Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Facts

It is almost new year now, Im writing in this blog on the 30th of December 2009... It's been a day..

AKu tak buat apa-apa pun hari ni, aku cuti, duduk rumah with my parents, sis and brother, which happen they are on leave too..

Apa yang aku betul-betul buat hari ini, is reflecting my life for this whole 2009 years... apa yang aku dah buat? Apa yang aku dah baiki? What did i achieve? It is the same as the 2008? Any improvement on myself or to others around me? Korang pernah tak terpikir benda cam ni.. Kadang2 buat aku bingung gak..

Aku ni bukannya mat skema, or yang serius sangat.. I don't take life seriously, but sometimes I do ponder, on the things that I done.. Spritually or Physically.. hmm..

Would it happened again next year? THinking of the same thing all over again, but it is still the same old me... Something that we should think about I guess..

Oh another thing, almost everyone in this world use cell phone right? Nokia, Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC.. bla bla bla.. But do the person who owns the phone knows which country creates its Brand? (obviously we know samsung and sony from) NOkia? LG? HTC? CLS? Other words.. Don't treat your bf/gf like you treat your phone.. you like them, you use them, but you dont know where there from, who are they, and what are they able to do..


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