Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Gratitude

God, if you can read my blog.. or send an angel reading this while im typing..

Thank you for giving me a wonderful 25 years of life..

Thank you for giving me a loving Family..

Thank you for giving me a lovely parents that always guide us through your teaching,

Thank you for giving me sisters and brother whom i always loved

Thank you for giving me my job and my dream came true..

Thank you for blessing me with my works and my promotion through my works..

Thank you for giving me helpful and kind friends...

Thank you for giving me a girlfriend that who will always take care of me...

Thank you.. Thank you for my life...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Facts

It is almost new year now, Im writing in this blog on the 30th of December 2009... It's been a day..

AKu tak buat apa-apa pun hari ni, aku cuti, duduk rumah with my parents, sis and brother, which happen they are on leave too..

Apa yang aku betul-betul buat hari ini, is reflecting my life for this whole 2009 years... apa yang aku dah buat? Apa yang aku dah baiki? What did i achieve? It is the same as the 2008? Any improvement on myself or to others around me? Korang pernah tak terpikir benda cam ni.. Kadang2 buat aku bingung gak..

Aku ni bukannya mat skema, or yang serius sangat.. I don't take life seriously, but sometimes I do ponder, on the things that I done.. Spritually or Physically.. hmm..

Would it happened again next year? THinking of the same thing all over again, but it is still the same old me... Something that we should think about I guess..

Oh another thing, almost everyone in this world use cell phone right? Nokia, Samsung, Sony, LG, HTC.. bla bla bla.. But do the person who owns the phone knows which country creates its Brand? (obviously we know samsung and sony from) NOkia? LG? HTC? CLS? Other words.. Don't treat your bf/gf like you treat your phone.. you like them, you use them, but you dont know where there from, who are they, and what are they able to do..


Monday, August 10, 2009


Aku mungkin jahat.. mungkin aku tak adil.. tapi adil kah dia?

Ok.. what i did was, create a new account in facebook.. using different name and everything.

Then i searched her name.. there it goes.. she accepted it.

I saw her pictures with another guy.. and she is in a relationship with that bastard!!!


Ok, untuk pengetahuan, minah ni merupakan aku punya long lost love.. on and off on and off..

when we are about to be serious.. i'll try and ask bout her facebook!! Tapi dia cakap takde or tengah nak buat!!

but FU#K!!! Celaka!! Boleh dia tipu aku bila interogate!!

Bodoh betul rasanya!! Shittt!!!!

So, what do you people want to say?? u want to defend her??

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


"It feels weird.." she said..

"Why weird?"

"Coz we are together.." sambung dia..

hmm.. im in Love again.. Damn!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kawan Ke Tak Kawan?

Can you really be a friend to your Ex Girlfriend? Tak janggal ke? For the girls.. Your Ex Boyfriend..

Hmm, can u be their friend, knowing that they are tangling or laughing with another guy? while ur sitting with your honey stars and watching MEn In Black on HBO.. hmm.. Pathethic.. well what to do.. that is life sumtimes..

macam tak percaya pun ada.. tapi itu aku masa aku break ngan awek aku.. dia nak kat aku, tapi dia still melekat ngan jantan lain.. Aku pulak bleh lagi layan dia, pasal.. apa aku pun tak tau.. aku tak teringin pun nak cari awek lain.. Loser? No I am not.. I just need time to be single.. Senang aku nak ke sana ke mari.. tak terikat ngan sapa-sapa.. Tapi still aku tak percaya, ko boleh berkawan dengan ex ko.. sebab kalau ko selesa pun, their current bf would not.. of course.

Hmm.. tapi jika masih ada cinta.. kenapa harus pergi?? ish3.. takpe lah.. lantak hang la..

Ok. Got to go guys. Aku nak kuar dengan Pija.. heheh (kami hanya berkawan biasa sahaja..)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Life..

Good morning, from now on.. I will be updating my blog everyday.. if I can.. huhu

It starts today.. Hari ini hari yang bahagia.. hari yang bermula untuk aku mulakan hidup baru..

Tapi aku mungkin akan selitkan sedikit sejarah kehidupan aku.. agar boleh dijadikan tauladan..

Dan masa depan ku.. akan diketahui di dalam blog aku ini..

Pada sesiapa sahaja yang membaca blog ini.. Who am I? I am Your Living Soul..

Adios for now..

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let Her Go?? Not with Him!


Perasaan aku hari ni bercampur baur.. aku tak sangka akan jadi begini akhirnya..

Harus ke aku lepaskan dirinya? Jika aku rebut kembali.. mampukah aku membawa ke penghujung cerita yang bahagia?

Jika aku lepaskan, mampu kah orang ketiga itu membahagiakan dirinya seperti aku bahagiakannya dulu?

Celaka! Keparat! Mana Keparat tu, biar aku cakap dengan dia; tengking ku semalam..

Fuck!!!! Aku bleh buat apa? Aku disini kau disana.. cuma hati ku sahaja yang tahu..

Aku cinta Pada mu..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


"Eee, I nak bagitau u sumthing.."

"Nak bagitau apa?"

"Takpe la, esok la I bagitau"

"Ek eleh, ko bagitau la aku sekarang..."

"Semalam I mimpi u.."

"Hah? Mimpi apa? Aku buat apa dalam mimpi tu??"

"Ntahla, malu nak bagitau.."

heheh tak yah bagitau pun aku dah tau dia mimpi pasal apa..

uish.. tak sangka pompuan yang aku baru kenal, dah termimpi kan aku!! ahaha

kenapa dia mimpi aku? dia suka aku ke?? ke dia berahikan diriku ini? heheh

This is interesting!!! We'll see what happened next!!

*dah lama tak tulis blog.. i was in Aussie with my sick grandma.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Cigarettes... It all started when I was 18. Its legal for me to smoke at that age..

Tapi ada jugak yang bagitahu aku, "Rugi siot ko isap rokok lepas habis sekolah, baik ko maintain tak yah isap!"

Apa nak buat, aku dah terhisap.. aku dah jadi pencinta nikotin not to mention wanita lah..

Salem. Rokok pertama ku. Currently Dunhill Menthol. Damn!

Ini semua salah cousin aku yang mempengaruhi. Dulu dia pernah cakap kat aku, ko jangan nak bagi orang aku yang ajar!! hahah tapi aku tak peduli.. aku bagitau orang dia yang ajar aku.

Pasal dia lah duit aku terbazir!! selama 7 tahun, rm6.50 sehari..

Hmmm... tension! "mana aku letak rokok aku ni??"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Im a very competitive person.. I think. Even if it involves small competition or matters..

i.e. main guli

celaka budak kecik boleh kalahkan aku!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

"AkU DaH KaTa"

hahahah aku bukan nak berlagak tak tentu pasal.. bukan aku sengaja..

tapi akhirnya, she gave me her f**king number jugak! She left the message in my facebook...

aku reply, "oh, now I don't have to answer any question? do I?? "

Aku dah cakap hari tu, jangan jual mahal dengan aku. Sebab aku jarang mintak number pompuan lain, so bertuah la korang kalau aku mintak. Means your HOT!! dalam aku punya definisi la..

tapi sebab minah ni dah jual mahal, aku takkan call atau message dia.. biar dia cari number aku dan message aku.. That's right!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Ketika aku bangun pagi nak pegi keje, aku dah siap dengan pakaian kemas ku. Satu je benda lagi yang tinggal.. Jam Tangan aku!

Aku cari tempat rak yang biasa aku simpan. Tak ada! Mana perginya?

"Semalam, kawan-kawan Joe datang.. lepak-lepak. minum-minum.. aku dah tetidur kat sofa entah-entah.." bisik hatiku.

celaka punya orang, datang rumah orang, lepas tu ko kebas jam aku!! WTF?

Tiba-tiba aku ternampak benda berkilauan kat atas katil aku di celah-celah selimut..

"Oh Jam aku rupanya.." hehe

Maaf... cepat sungguh aku tak mempercayai orang..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Thinker Bell"

Ada ke pompuan yang bila kita mintak num telephone; memberikan syarat untuk seorang lelaki itu, menjawab beberapa soalan????

1 question: Apa nama anjing Paris Hilton?

2nd question: Brad pitt dan Angelina Jolie ada berapa orang anak?

Aku perlu menjawab lagi 3 soalan.. ini soalan yang diutarakan terlebih dahulu..

AKu jawab; "Im sorry, im not gay enough to know this kind of question, especially Paris's dog!!"

"Its ok if you don't want to give me your number.. remember this, You will get my number one day"

terus aku logout facebook.. Bodo punya orang!!

Anjing Paris bernama Thinker Bell.. dan aku masih straight!!

"So SwEeT"

Jess suruh aku ambik dia esok pagi.

"Ok, jangan lupa gerak I kay, pagi esok?"

"hmm.. u macam tak nak je.. ??"

"Boleh, takkan lah I tak sanggup.. just wake me up tommorrow at 6a.m. kay?" kata ku

Esok pagi..

Aku bangun pukul 7.30..

Shit!! aku dah terlambat.. sebelah bantal aku, aku tengok notes kecik bertulis

"It's ok, I pergi sendiri, kesian tengok u tido, tak nak kejutkan u.. Luv you!"

hmmm... I will buy her fish manhattan dinner tonight!! Biar aku sambung tido dulu.. hehe

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Its a Lazy day FoR Me"

Been busy, been doing nothing actually....

She has been doing everything for me.. ;

(a) ironing my shirt
(b) putting my clothes in the washing machine
(c) sweeping my apartment floor
(d) scrubbing my toilets (tak pernah tengok sebersih ni)

"Untung sapa dapat kawin ngan minah ni" bisik hatiku..

What did I gave her in return?? Well, Ikan siakap 3 rasa and becoming a Yes Man for the whole month!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

'The Art of SeDuCtIoN'

Ini malam Sabtu. Aku masih lagi di rumah, selimut di atas badan ku. Channel HBO tetap kekal tanpa disentuh. Ya. Aku sorang-sorang di rumah. Pathethic!

'Jom pegi clubbing,' kata Jon dalam telefon.

'Thanx but no thanx,' saut ku yakin.

I don't dance. I drink but occasionally. I've been to the clubs before.. its hot, penat berdiri, air mahal, aku tak kuat minum, so there is no point of me going to the clubs. Unless there is a live band, then I would consider it.

'Ko ni apa la, ramai awek malam ni. Rugi tak gi bro. Kata ayat power!!.'

Ye, memang ayat aku power. Aku tau. Those girls won't appreciated it when they are drunk.

Aku tamatkan perbualan menguja dengan Jon.

Aku msg Jess 'Would you like to come over tonight?'

'Yeah, sure.' balas Jess

Power sangat ke ayat aku? Goodnite guys. See you tomorrow.

'VaLeNtInE's DaY!'

Pergi la celebrate.. Just go.. have fun for today is Valentine's Day!!!

Yahooo.. Today is the day where I can have a chance to meet my girlfriend.. I can have dinner with her today.. I can love her today.

I bought her gifts today. I be nice to her today. She loves me today!! For its Valentine's Day. It's a day for us to love each other.

Read between the line. Tell me what you can see through this entry.

Friday, February 13, 2009

'WhIcH I'm NoT'

Some people said, I lead a cool life.. They said they never saw me sad or mad or negatively in nature.

"You might be right and you might be wrong," I said humbly..

"I might looked cool to you, but like an ice cube..."

"Why ice cube?" they ask.

"Try putting an ice cube in your palm.. what do you feel? Cold for a while? Then what next?"

"It bites!" they said

When I was leaving the group, one of them said.. "Damn! He is cool"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

'ShE's NoT My GF'

Aku check msg kat phone aku..

'Guess what?' dia kata.

'What'? aku balas

dia hantarkan gambar birthday cake..

'Oh, shit! Im sorry.. I dont know that its ur birthday today??'

'Not today, but the last 3 days'

'Hmm.. sorry dear. i bet u dont even know when is mine..'

'26.04.**' Fuck... she knows mine.. What an asshole i am!! kata diriku ini..

'Im sorry dear, i will make it up to you kay?'

'its okay dear.. hehe but promise me??'

'I will..'

Mudah, jika kita lupa birthday seorang wanita.. jika dia bukan GF kita sendiri.. diorang tak leh marah.. Damn! Im scandalous!! But I like!!


Mengeluh, nagging, depressed, tertekan, tak puas hati, megeluh mengeluh, komplen, complain, mengeluh mengeluh....

Naluri seorang manusia kata kau? Bukan, itu bukan naluri seorang manusia untuk mengeluh, itu adalah hasil daripada perasaan tidak bersyukur kepada apa sahaja yang dikeluhkan...

Ia dicipta oleh manusia itu sendiri.. Kenapa??

'Aku penat la' 'Aku tak larat la' 'Aku benci la' 'Aku tak suka la makan kat sini' 'Susah la buat kerja ni'

Lantak korang la.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'Bunch of Monkeys'

Monyet, kenapa kau lompat sana? Lompat sini?

Kenapa tak duduk bersama dengan ahli-ahli kumpulan kau?

haaa... Degil kau monyet..

Akhirnya kawan-kawan ko jugak yang dapat upah pisang sebab panjat pokok kelapa..

Ko dapat apa??

Monyet betul..


'Not everything that we want, we would get it!!!' kata Jess kat aku

'Oh, Im not gonna fall for that, for I always get what I wanted'- me

'Screw you E'

She knows that she get what she wanted... she just don't know about it yet. About me. Unconsciously, she is actually getting what she wants..

Then I kiss her lips.. she smiles and that face just showed that she get what she wanted..

A Kiss, not just a Kiss but a Kiss from her Living Soul.. thats what it is.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kami lelaki sound direct punya!!

Macam biasa, kehidupan aku penuh dengan melepak dan bercerita tentang hidup masing-masing bersama member-member aku.. Kutuk mengutuk depan-depan sentiasa berlaku. Boys would always confront each other directly!! (Kadang-Kadang la)

Malaun- 'AKu nak berhenti merokok la, tak tahan aku.. duit, sakit dada, baik aku berhenti'

Aku- 'Baguslah macam tu. Teruskan'

Keesokkan harinya..

Malaun- "Pinjam rokok sebat?"


Malaun-"Ada rokok tak?"


Malaun- "E, sebat bleh?"

Aku- "Butoh ko la nak berhenti!! Kalau macam ni, aku pun nak berhenti!! Lahanat!!"

These people, i would rather categorized them as 'FUCKING ASSHOLE'

Its just nice to start with 'Hello'

Semalam aku pegi ke tempat yang tak pernah aku pegi berseorangan. Kisah lama aku berulang kembali. Aku ingat lagi bila aku berjalan berdua-duaan dengan Jasmine setahun yang lalu..

'Cliche' mungkin, tapi aku masih lagi mengingati keadaan dimana jari aku menggengam erat jari Jasmine di Taman ini.

'Hello' -aku

'hi'- dia

'kita pernah jumpa ke?'- aku

'im not sure' - dia

Im E by the way- aku

'im jessica, u can call me Jes..'- dia

so it started from there..................... again..